Animales de granja / En la granja de mi tío/ Old MacDonald Song

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Module:Animales de granja / En la granja de mi tío/ Old MacDonald Song

Level:principiante bajo



The song ”En la granja de mi tío” is the Spanish version of the Old MacDonald song. It’s a fun way to learn the names of farm animals in Spanish as well as the sounds different animals make. Printable exercises and a memory game reinforce students’ learning.

“En la granja de mi tío” es la versión española de Old MacDonald Song. Es una forma divertida de aprender en español los nombres de los animales de granja, y de aprender los sonidos que hacen. Actividades que se pueden imprimir y un juego de memoria refuerzan el aprendizaje de los estudiantes.

ACTFL-Aligned Learning Objectives
  • Novice
    • I can say that I am (or an animal is) hungry, cold, or tired, and ask others (Interpersonal Communication - Novice Mid)
    • I can understand someone’s simple description of a photo. (Interpretive Communications - Novice High)
    • I can write simple captions for pictures or photos. (Presentational Communication - Novice High)
  • Intermediate
    • I can understand a conversation in which speakers are making a decision for a collaborative project. (Interpretive Communications - Intermediate Low)
    • I can understand a message. (Interpretive Communications - Intermediate Low)
    • I can write a description of the physical appearance of a friend or family member (or animal). (Presentational Communication - Intermediate Low)
ACTFL World-Readiness Standards Language (5C’s)
  • Communication: Interpersonal Communications


Song: On my uncle's farm
Canción: En la granja de mi tío



Farm Animals Printables
Animales de granja



Animals Teaching Note
Animales nota de enseñanza



Animals Match Game
Juego de partidos de animales

Format:Online Game

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